Sunday, December 14, 2008


I got a phone call today that could change everything.

It turns out that a job I am very interested in in London, needs me to start a lot sooner than I had planned, which of course, is amazing! But also a little bit scary.

The job is my ideal job. It will be a combination of a nanny / PA role which actually suits me to a tee. Even though I am looking to change careers and jump head first into the whole nanny thing, a role where I can still use the skills I have gained over the past 10 years would be perfect.

Now, before I get ahead of myself, the final plans are still up in the air and I have no definite dates, but my dream is starting to look clearer. If all goes to plan, I could be off in the next couple of months. The next couple of months....!!

For the impatient side of myself, that is great news. For the planning side of me, not so much! My brain has been working overtime thinking of all the things left to do and those horrible bills that need paying off. I am selling all my furniture and stuff in my mind at the moment and finding it very hard to concentrate on work.

So, in the spirit of not getting my hopes up....

I'm off to London, I'm off to London, I'm off to London!!!!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!

(Sorry - couldn't resist!)

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